For State Employees

State Employment Information and Training


Louisiana Employees Online (LEO): Payroll, benefits, emergency contact, employee and training information. Questions or problems?

Sign up for Louisiana Text and Email Alerts

Emergency Office Closure Information

After an emergency or weather related state office closure, a toll free advisory number will be activated. For the office closure advisory, dial 800-360-9660 (outside Baton Rouge) or 225-342-0498 (within Baton Rouge).


LaGov ERP Single Sign-on Portal

State Employee Webmail

Louisiana Statewide Email web access is available to all state agencies currently enrolled in the service. Interested in signing up your agency for Statewide E-mail?

Civil Service

Job descriptions, classifications, pay rates, rules, downloadable forms, Job Search, FAQs, holidays/leave, retirement.


Comprehensive Public Training Program (CPTP) is the state-funded training program for state employees; view course descriptions, schedules, and download registration forms

Payroll Calendars

Office of State Uniform Payroll calendars and pay period tables

Employee Purchase Program

When a vendor offers an Employee Purchase Program (EPP), it is posted by the Office of State Procurement and made available to state employees. Use of the program is voluntary and no product is endorsed by this office.


Public servants and elected officials are required to take one hour of training per calendar year on the Code of Governmental Ethics pursuant to LA R.S.42:1170A. Elected officials are additionally required to receive one hour of training per term of office on the Campaign Finance Disclosure Acts. Training is provided throug the Online Training Portal.

Government Contacts

The Louisiana State Government Telephone Directory is published by the Office of Technology Services in an effort to provide an accurate, effective source of contact information for state agencies.

State Library

Online catalog and employee access to abstracts, indexes and articles.
Answers to questions and help with information needs for state employees.

State Travel Office

State Travel Policies and Procedures; State Travel Guide

State Facilities

State Buildings Facilities Manual

Information and Guidelines for State Building Tenants.

Claiborne Conference Center

Conference and computer training space scheduling

Health and Insurance Information

Health and Insurance Benefits

Health Insurance and other benefits information, including the Flexible Benefits Plan

Insurance Payroll Deductions

Miscellaneous Insurance products available for payroll deduction

Group Benefits

State Employee Benefit Online Information Service and health plans

Retirement Information

LASERS: State Employee Retirement

Information for active and retired employees

Teacher's Retirement System

Downloadable newsletters, brochures and forms

Deferred Compensation Plan

Plan members can check investment performance, and guests may check general fund information

Retired State Employees Association

Official web site of Retired State Employees Association

Credit Unions

LaCap Federal Credit Union

Online banking, bill-paying, contacts and toll free numbers. Assistance: 800.522.2748 or 225.342.5055; TEL-A-CAP: 800.835.2227 or 225.342.9123

Campus Federal Credit Union

Online banking, Toll Free: 888.769.8841, Contact Campus Federal

DOCCU: Corrections Credit Union

Main Office Phone: 225.342.6618 and Audio Response: 877.362.7005; Online banking: Contact DOCCU

Eagle Louisiana Federal

Information and bill payment, Toll free at: 1.888.281.8485

LES Federal Credit Union

Online banking, Phone: 225.342.3288, Toll free: 800.259.3291

Pelican State Credit Union

Online banking, bill-paying, Toll free: 1.800.351.4877, Local: 225.408.6100