Demographics and Geography

Select Current Statistics for Louisiana

Profile of Louisiana's Population


Historical population estimates: StateParishPlace (i.e., city, town, village)

Population projections for 2010-2030: State and parish-level population projections

2020 Census for Louisiana

What's New?

Census Survey Explorer: If you're looking for data about a specific topic or area but don't know where to start, the new Census Survey Explorer tool can help you discover which of the Census Bureau's 120 surveys have the topics, geographies, and frequency of release that match your needs.

Community Resilience Estimates: Interactive tool that provides an easily understood metric for how at-risk every neighborhood in the United States is to the impacts of disasters, including COVID-19.

Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes Explorer: Interactive tool that provides earnings and employment outcomes for college and university graduates by degree level, degree major, and post-secondary institution.

Data Access Tools

QuickFacts: State and County QuickFacts provides frequently requested Census Bureau information at the national, state, county, and city level.

Data.Census.Gov: This interactive application provides statistics from the Economic Census, the American Community Survey, and the 2010 Census, among others.

Household Pulse Data Tool: An interactive application for exploring data from the Household Pulse Survey studying how the coronavirus pandemic is impacting households across the country from a social and economic perspective.

Census Reporter: a Knight News Challenge-funded project to make it easier for journalists to write stories using information from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Census Business Builder: a suite of tools to help people looking for data to help start or grow a business or understand the business landscape for a region.

My Congressional District: Access selected statistics about your Congressional district collected through the American Community Survey and County Business Patterns.

Local Employment Dynamics: This partnership offers a variety of data tools including the following:

  • QWI Explorer: Select and find out about NAICS-based or SIC-based Quarterly Workforce Indicators by state, geographic grouping, industry, year and quarter, sex, age group, and ownership.
  • OnTheMap: This tool shows where workers are employed and where they live through an interactive and geographically flexible mapping interface. The maps, charts, and reports also provide detailed worker characteristics such as age, earnings, NAICS industry sector, as well as information on race, ethnicity, and educational attainment. Used in emergency management with up-to-the-minute information on the path of a storm and economic data for affected areas.
  • Job-to-Job Flows Explorer: This web-based analysis tool that enables comprehensive access to an innovative statistics on worker reallocation (i.e., flows of workers across employers, industries, and labor markets) in the United States.

Advanced Data Tools

PUMS: Public-Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) files contain records for a sample of housing units with information on the characteristics of each unit and each person in it.

MDAT: The Microdata Access Tool (MDAT) replaced DataFerrett in 2020. MDAT is is a unique data analysis and extraction tool with re-coding capabilities to customize data to suit your requirements when prefabricated tables are insufficient. Access additional MDAT information and the MDAT data tool online.

IPUMS-USA: The Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS-USA) consists of more than fifty high-precision samples of the American population drawn from fifteen federal censuses and from the American Community Surveys.

Uexplore/Dexter: A web application that provides query access to the Missouri Census Data Center's public data archive.

Understanding Census Geography

Diagram Standard Hierarchy of Census Geographic Entities

Guide Louisiana Geography Overview

Mapping Tools

Census Flows Mapper: A map viewer that displays county-to-county migration from the American Community Survey 5-year estimates data.

Census Geocoder: The Census Geocoder allows users to look up the geography an address is located within for up to 10,000 addresses at a time.

Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) Interactive Tool: This map viewer displays poverty and income data for states, counties, and school districts.

TIGERweb: This is the Census Bureau's reference mapping tool that includes all geographic areas and features with 2010 population and housing unit counts. Users can view the TIGER database and access a Web Map Service (WMS) for app developers and more advanced GIS users.

More mapping resources

Still need help?

Search the U.S. Census Bureau's Frequently Asked Questions or email the Louisiana State Census Data Center.

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